National Energy Efficiency Awards 2024

National Supplier of the Year

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Award Category Description

This award recognises the company that exceeds customer expectations when supplying energy efficiency products.


Nominations for this award are open to any Supplier of Energy Efficiency Products that meets the following criteria: The nominated company must have provided products to an energy efficiency project within the period between January 2023 and March 2024. Work completed in previous years may be used as additional supporting information for nomination, but only work carried out within this period is eligible for inclusion in the main nomination statement. Nominees must provide a clear nomination statement outlining what sets them apart within their field, demonstrating actual energy savings achieved by their products. The nominee must be able to provide evidence of a customer who is willing to endorse their work with a favourable testimonial statement. Judges will consider the nature, scale and use of the nominee’s products and emphasis will be placed on any successful integration of the nominee's products into projects funded through any National or Local Government Energy Efficiency schemes. The judges will also look at: - the impact their business has had within the local community; - what their customers have to say about the nominee; and - the level of expertise the company has within its own team

Nominees for this award

Solen Energy

nominated by


nominated by


nominated by Sharp Heating & Electrical Ltd

Power Warehouse

nominated by

Swifix Ltd

nominated by

Energystore Ltd

nominated by

Soltherm External Insulations Limited

nominated by

PAS Safe Solutions Ltd

nominated by

EWI Store

nominated by EWI Pro

SPS Envirowall

nominated by


nominated by Procast Group


nominated by Saint Gobain Weber

Previous Winner

The current holder of this award is

Prize being presented to PAS Safe Solutions Ltd
National Energy Efficiency awards 2023
PAS Safe Solutions Ltd

they were nominated by UK Energy Saving Experts

A well-qualified team that has gone above and beyond to resolve industry problems. The company's sole focus is the energy efficiency industry, and it has supplied more than 1,500 units in the past year to a total value of more than £2million. It has consistently reacted positively and successfully to industry challenges, especially being instrumental in finding a solution to the problems of crossflow ventilation
The Judges
Also recognised were
Second: SWIP Ltd
Third: Saint Gobain Weber