North West Energy Efficiency Awards 2024

Regional New Build Project of the Year

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Award Category Description

This award recognises an outstanding new build property within the nominated region that maximises use of the energy efficiency measures installed.


Nominations for this award are open to any commercial or domestic project that meets the following criteria: The nominated project must be delivered within the nominated region and all contractors working on the project must be fully qualified. Nominees must provide a clear nomination statement outlining what sets their project apart from other projects within the industry, demonstrating clearly what energy savings can be achieved. The buildings can be single or in groups but must be classified as New Build with energy efficiency measures installed. The application must show the value and benefits of the energy efficiency measures have made to the energy efficiency of the properties. Customer testimonials and community impact statements are essential. Judges will consider the nature, scale and scope of the work carried out, and a special emphasis will be placed on any successful integration of any local or national government energy efficiency schemes into the nominated project. The judges will also look at: - the impact the project has had within the local community; - what the customers and local community have to say about the project; and - what level of expertise the project management and delivery team has in delivering this type of project.

Nominees for this award

St Andrews Gardens - Story Homes

Intricate Plumbing Contractors Ltd/Daikin

nominated by Intricate Plumbing Contractors Ltd

Velodrome Carport

EvoEnergy/Warden Construction Ltd

nominated by EvoEnergy

Lune Walk, Halton

South Lakes Housing/Lune Valley Community Land Trust/Lancaster City Council/Homes England

nominated by Green Rose CIC


The winner of this award is

Prize being presented to Lune Walk, Halton
Lune Walk, Halton

by South Lakes Housing/Lune Valley Community Land Trust/Lancaster City Council/Homes England

they were nominated by Green Rose CIC

Also recognised were
Highly Commended: Velodrome Carport
Highly Commended: Velodrome Carport
Commended: St Andrews Gardens - Story Homes