Energy Efficiency Awards 2025

National Quality Management, Compliance & Training Company of the Year

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Award Category Description

This award recognises a company that provides training, compliance or quality management services to people in the energy efficiency sector or certifies that the products and practices of an organisation meet a certain standard.


Nominations for this award are open to any organisation that meets the following criteria: It must have carried out Quality Management & Compliance services related to energy efficiency measures within the period from January 2023 to March 2024. It must be fully qualified and possess appropriate certificates of training and certification. Nominees must also provide a clear nomination statement outlining what sets them apart in their field and demonstrate knowledge of energy efficiency best practice. The nominee must be able to provide evidence of a customer who is willing to endorse their work with a favourable testimonial statement. Judges will consider the nature, scale and scope of the compliance and quality assurance checks being carried out and will also look at: the impact their work has had; what their customers have to say about them; and what level of expertise the nominee has.

Nominees for this award

Previous Winner

The current holder of this award is

Prize being presented to Elmhurst Energy
National Energy Efficiency Awards 2024
Elmhurst Energy
Also recognised were
Second: SWIP Ltd
Third: Quidos Ltd
Special Commendation: City Training Group