National Energy Efficiency Awards 2024


The programme for this event is based on the following times and items.


Pre-Awards Drinks Reception

sponsored by SWIP

Our generous sponsor SWIP Ltd, would like to invite all attendees of the 2024 National Awards to a pre-awards Reception in the Kings Suite of the Hotel. There will be a free drink, canapes, and a chance to mingle with other guests.


Call for Dinner

Guests can make there way through to the dining room for dinner


Welcome & Introduction

by Mark Durden Smith & Gary Braybrooke

Gary Braybrooke, Managing Director of the Energy Efficiency Awards will welcome guests to the 2024 Awards Dinner with host Mark Durden Smith


Guest speakers

Our Guest Speakers are
Shaun Garvey - Deputy Director of Net Zero Domestic Directorate at DESNZ
TBC - from Together For Short Lives



Included Cheeseboard sponsored SolPV Ltd

A three course meal will be served from a pre-ordered choice menu.


Award Presentations

Presentation of the 2024 Awards

The 2024 Award prizes will be presented to the the winners, and runners-up, by our generous sponsors


Networking & Dancing

Music by The RPJ Band And including Rick Parfitt sponsored by

The Awards celebrations with the winners will continue with the opportunity to join them with our DJ on the dancefloor or network with them in the bar



Close out the night with colleagues

Please Note: Timings may be subject to change on the day.
Dress Code: Black Tie